An Update from WandeRing NYC
Below are links to two new posts called Bruxelles WTF (I+II).
Before we get to them, some notes.
Bruxelles WTF
Back in October a client/friend flew me to Berlin. We did a few days of wandering and then he
A Single Gold Tooth
Why Western powers want to ignore the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Hong Kong Drone Footage
You know I'm ambivalent about industrial society, because it will inevitably destroy itself and us along with it.
Snow Day
Some Photos of the Recent Snow in NYC.
Wandering is Good for You
Go out the door.
Go the opposite way you normally do.
There's no point to what you'
What is Wandering?
For most of our history, we've practiced wandering as part of daily life... Letting intuition guide our movements to gather resources, gain knowledge, and connect with each other. You could even say it's what made us human.
A Core Behavior Loop
Wandering is Good For You v2
This post was originally known as Wandering is Good for You
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