Another Meltdown
I’m helping to organize this music and justice festival on the 14th called Communities Together.
It’s ostensibly about protecting beautiful, generationally-interwoven Manhattan from the paws of greedy philistine developers who want to rip out the culture and clutter and people who make the blocks just south of Penn Station some of the funkiest in the city, and replace them with even more corpo-sleek dead space.
Sounds melodramatic, but it’s worse than you think.
Here’s Vornado’s current plan for the already beautiful but ‘blighted’ blocks around Madison Square Garden, which recently claimed the historic Pennsylvania Hotel.
And while the plan to demolish block 780 and several others is ‘on pause’, we know that doesn’t mean abandoned. This is what of a resident of 30th Street had to say about it.
Anyways, here’s some photos I took yesterday afternoon while I was out flyering in the area for this event. Only an asshole would want to wipe out all this life.
As always, if your art is here and you want credit send me a note. I'll add a link. Thanks for doing what you do.
That's it for today. Again, I'm shy about taking pictures of people, so along with all this incredible out-pouring of art are some of the most beautiful and interesting people in the world, all of which would be scraped away if the developers have their way.
Be careful what you consider 'progress'.
Mo Ox
Written in Father Demo Square. Around Sunset, with a jazz trio. Some old fuck just tried to tell them to stop playing. Then I had some drinks on Macdougal with my boy D and then we ate TWO stretched Sasso’s well-done with essence at John’s of Bleecker.
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